BOL Chronicles

Lessons In Education, Motivation & Life

October 12, 2018
My Fascination with Finnish Education   Like most educators around the world who sometimes go into the “what if” dream world of education; many times the Finnish education system would fill that cloud of utopia. Most have been simply amazed with the international results of Finland on various international rating […]
September 6, 2018

Live Your Dreams

     The irony of sitting and writing this on the exact day a year later is proof that there’s no better teacher than life and you are always learning. There are all types of dreams, we all have had nightmares at some point, where we’ve woken up paralyzed. Usually […]
March 18, 2017

PASSION Required!

  What if we hired people who did not look at teaching as a “career” but as a “passion”? My Innovator’s Mindset IMMOOC  journey has been filled with lots of questions. When considering the What If Questions in section two the book, this particular “What If Question” really got me […]
March 16, 2017


I Choose LEARNING!  ” I think I’m developing an aversion to the word school! “ As most children and as a child, at least it use to be that there was a positive word association with the word school, but today, I’m not to sure. I find students coming to […]
March 15, 2017

Time To Invest

Time To Invest “The three most important words in education are: Relationships , Relationships, Relationships. Without them we have nothing” George Curous In reflecting on this quote by George Curous in The Innovator’s Mindset, I could not agree more. Relationships are key and we have to investment time and connect […]
March 9, 2017

The NEW “I” In IEP

  I have really been enjoying my exploration of The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros and the IMMOOC community. Literally everything on this journey has been pushing me to think NEW not just different! After reading the first section and reflecting for Blog 2 on the critical questions for the […]