The NEW “I” In IEP
March 9, 2017
March 16, 2017
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Time To Invest

Time To Invest

The three most important words in education are: Relationships , Relationships, Relationships. Without them we have nothing” George Curous

In reflecting on this quote by George Curous in The Innovator’s Mindset, I could not agree more. Relationships are key and we have to investment time and connect more with others. As with anything, most would always say, “there’s not enough time!” Not enough time to know each student, not enough time to get to know each teacher, not enough time to know each parent. Remember time is but a moment. The moment you say, “Good Morning, How are you today?” ; “Tell me about your weekend?”; “I’m so glad you came, please be sure to come back and visit our class.”; “ Thank you so much for listening, I thought it was only me who felt this way this time of the school year.” Each moment ( hug, pat on the back, smile or high five) makes a world of difference. In building relationships you have to be strategic and intentional.

Any relationship is an investment of time. You must put in, in order to get out. Whether it’s your student or colleagues, each moment to capture their heart is an investment and opportunity to create a positive relationship. When our hearts are open, our minds are open and we can help foster a spirit of innovation through the positive relationships we build.