Time To Invest
March 15, 2017PASSION Required!
March 18, 2017
” I think I’m developing an aversion to the word school! “
As most children and as a child, at least it use to be that there was a positive word association with the word school, but today, I’m not to sure. I find students coming to me younger and younger who absolutely hate school! The School VS Learning by image George Couros and Sylvia Duckwork has even more so brought to the fore front my vision for my business Branches Of Learning and defining what I want my business to be associated with.
Literally the word school now makes me clench my teeth ( awww, I’m doing it now! ) The new negative association with the word and the of world school literally makes me not want to include it anywhere in may business as I expand to offer flexible/alternative learning options for Home Schooling. I live in a culture where if you provide education services at any level you are considered to have a school, I always find myself correcting them. Branches Of Learning “Adds Value Through Education”; I serve students through Pre-K to 8th grade through afternoon programming and private tutoring services from intervention to enrichment. I really focus on creating learning experiences that help students fall in love with learning, back in love with learning or continue their love for learning.
Looking at the image and descriptions alone, I do not want to go to school or do I want a school! When I think of the tools learners need in order to be successful in any role they play in society today and the future ( because ALL roles are valuable), school is not preparing them. What we do need though, are all the characteristics and descriptors of learning. School is associated with a place, it’s set in one place with borders and parameters that stifle you where as learning is open, takes place anywhere and enriches and expands you and those you interact with.
So though some would say it’s just a word BUT words have power! So I will stick with Branches Of LEARNING! I want students to feel safe to question, open to creating and exploring their passions, challenge the norms and status quo, develop social beings that care, are kind and connect with others and inspire life long learning and exploration on this journey we call life.